All You Must Know About Collingswood, NJ Before Your Move

All You Must Know About Collingswood, NJ Before Your Move

by Team NextBurb 6 May 2022

New Jersey Moving Guides By City

All You Must Know About Collingswood, NJ Before Your Move

Are you thinking of moving to the borough of Collingswood, New Jersey? Have you been wondering if it will be the right move for your family? Keep your worries aside, for we are here to help you out.

In this guide, we talk about all the important aspects associated with living in Collingswood. From the school system to the community, the top attractions to the crime rate, we cover it all here. Let Nextburb help you out with your search and guide you to a town and neighborhood that is exactly to your liking.

Table of Content

★ Introduction

★ Quick Facts about Collingswood NJ

★ History of Collingswood NJ

★ Demographics of Collingswood NJ

★ Real Estate in Collingswood NJ: What Do the Numbers Say?

★ Getting a Home in Collingswood

★ Professions of the Residents of Collingswood

★ Cost of Living in Collingswood NJ

★ K-12 Schools in Collingswood NJ

★ Crime Rate in Collingswood NJ

★ Commute to and from Collingswood NJ

★ Community Life in Collingswood

★ Top Attractions to Visit in Collingswood

★ Places of Worship in Collingswood

★ Places to Eat in Collingswood

★ Comparison to Neighboring Places

★ Is Collingswood a Good Place to Live In?

★ FAQs About Collingswood


Collingswood is a borough located in Camden County, New Jersey. The population of Collingswood NJ is 13,912. The median age in Collingswood NJ is 41.1 years (42.5 years for women and 39.6 years for men). To find out more about Collingswood NJ, such as the best places to live in Collingswood NJ, neighborhoods in Collingswood NJ, best schools in Collingswood NJ, and more, reach out to our experts at Nextburb.

Quick Facts About Collingswood NJ

  • Collingswood NJ is wonderful for families to live in.
  • It has a diversity grade of A-.
  • The borough has numerous outdoor activities to offer to its residents.
  • It is one of the best suburbs for young professionals in New Jersey.
  • Collingswood NJ is ranked as one of the best suburbs to live in New Jersey.

History of Collingswood NJ

The incorporation of Collingswood NJ as a borough took place on 22nd May, 1888. Standing at the corner of Browning Road and Collings Avenue, Collingwood NJ is home to the house from the 1820s, which was the residence of the Collings family, famous as the Collings-Knight homestead. Walt Whitman's tomb, which is situated in certain sections of Harleigh Cemetery, can be found in Collingwood NJ.

Demographics of Collingswood NJ

Age Distribution

4.5% of the residents in Collingswood NJ are kids below the age of 5. 13.1% of them are between the ages of 5 to 17, the ones aged between 18 to 24 constitute 6.1% of the population, and the 25 to 34 age bracket come up to 19.7%. Those aged between 35 to 54 make up 27.1% of the population, the ones between the ages of 55 to 64 make up 13%, and the senior residents aged 65 and above come up to 16.5%.

Educational Attainment

3.9% of the people in Collingswood NJ are currently attending college. 95.6% of them are high school graduates and 45.4% of them are college graduates.

Diversity in Collingswood

77.2% of the individuals in Collingswood NJ are White. 11.8% of them are Black or African American, 7.5% are Hispanic or Latino, 2% belong to two or more races, and 1.6% of them are Asians.

Real Estate in Collingswood NJ: What Do the Numbers Say?

The median listing home price in March 2022 in Collingswood NJ was recorded as $329K. $295K was noted as the median home sold price.

Types of Homes

  • Single-family homes: 36.6%
  • Townhomes: 16.5%
  • Small apartment buildings: 14.9%
  • Apartment complexes: 31.9%

Home Value by Number of Bedrooms

  • No bedroom: 0.9%
  • One bedroom: 27.2%
  • Two bedrooms: 23.3%
  • Three bedrooms: 31.1%
  • Four bedrooms: 14.1%
  • Five or more bedrooms: 3.4%

Getting a Home in Collingswood

Find a Local Agent

Click here to get in touch with real estate agents in Collingswood.

Rentals and Properties in Collingswood

Looking to rent a place in Collingswood? Click here to check out some rentals in the town. Those wishing to buy a home can discover the listings through this link.

Professions of the Residents of Collingswood

The median household income in Collingswood NJ is $68,663 and the national median household income is $64,994. The per capita income in Collingwood NJ is $47,194 and the national per capita income is $35,384. Some of the professions chosen by the residents of Collingswood NJ include:

  • Healthcare: 21.7%
  • Education: 15.7%
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services: 10.4%
  • Retail: 8.4%
  • Finance: 6.7%
  • Accommodation: 6.2%
  • Manufacturing: 4.8%
  • Administration: 4.6%
  • Transportation: 3.6%
  • Other: 3.6%
  • Public Service: 3.3%
  • Construction: 3%
  • Information Technology: 2.3%

Cost of Living in Collingswood

The cost of living in Collingswood NJ is 10% higher than the national average and 8% less than the average in New Jersey. Health and transportation are the two most expensive departments in Collingwood NJ, followed by food, which is then followed by housing.

K-12 Schools in Collingswood NJ

Find out all about the best schools in Collingswood NJ from us at Nextburb.

Public Schools

The public schools in Collingswood NJ are:

Private Schools

The private schools in Collingswood NJ include:

  • Good Shepherd Regional School


The preschools, daycare centers, and childcare facilities in Collingswood NJ are as follows:

Crime Rate in Collingswood NJ

The crime rate in Collingswood NJ is slightly lower in comparison to an average US city. With a B overall crime grade, it falls in the 69th percentile for safety, meaning that 31% of the places in the United States are safer than Collingswood NJ. In a given year, the crime rate in Collingswood NJ is 19.93 per 1,000 residents.

Commute to and from Collingswood

70.6% of the residents in Collingswood NJ drive their own cars. 4.2% of them work from home and 15.1% of them make use of mass transit.

Commuter Trains

Located on the PATCO Lindenwold Line between Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Lindenwold, is the Collingwood Station in Collingswood NJ.

Nearby Airports

The airports located near Collingswood NJ include:

  • Philadelphia International Airport (12.7 miles)
  • Trenton-Mercer Airport (38.5 miles)

Community Life in Collingswood

Collingswood Recreation: ​Collingswood Recreation is an organization in Collingwood NJ that works to improve the quality of life of its citizens through recreational activities.

Top Attractions to Visit in Collingswood

A couple of the fun places to visit in Collingwood NJ are as follows:

  • Knight Park
  • Scottish Rite Auditorium
  • Devil's Creek Brewery
  • Songbird Karaoke
  • Exit 4 Escape Rooms

Places of Worship in Collingswood

The places of worship in Collingswood NJ include:

St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish
809 Park Ave
Collingswood, NJ 08108
Contact: (856) 858-0298

First United Methodist Church
201 Dayton Ave
Collingswood, NJ 08108
Contact: (856) 858-1186

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
839 Haddon Ave
Collingswood, NJ 08108
Contact: (856) 858-0491

Comparison to Neighboring Places

Some of the places located near Collingswood NJ are Audubon, Oaklyn, and Fairview.

Click here to compare Collingswood NJ to Audubon NJ.

Click here to compare Collingswood NJ to Oaklyn NJ.

Click here to compare Collingswood NJ to Fairview NJ.

Compare all the places together by clicking here.

Is Collingswood a Good Place to Live In?

Residents look for a combination of numerous factors when selecting a new town or neighborhood to move into. Some of those factors include safety, good schools, outdoor activities, and a good community. Collingwood NJ provides all these amenities to its residents. Therefore, if you are looking to move to someplace new with your family and are wondering, “Is Collingwood a good place to live in?”, the answer is a yes.

FAQs About Collingswood

Q: What is Collingswood NJ’s median household income?

A: The median household income in Collingswood NJ is $68,663.

Q: What is the population of Collingswood NJ?

A: The population of Collingswood NJ is 13,912.

Q: Is Collingswood NJ safe?

A: Collingswood NJ has an overall B crime grade and falls in the 69th percentile for safety. Therefore, although it is relatively safe, the crime rate in Collingswood is just slightly lower than an average US city.

Q: Which county is Collingswood NJ located in?

A: Collingswood NJ is located in Camden County.

Q: Does Collingswood NJ have a library?

A: Yes, Collingswood NJ does have a library and it’s known as the Collingswood Public Library.

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