All You Must Know About Hamilton, Massachusetts Before Your

All You Must Know About Hamilton, Massachusetts Before Your Move

by Team NextBurb 25 October 2021

Neighborhood Moving Guides Massachusetts

All You Must Know About Hamilton, MA Before Your Move

Massachusetts, Neighborhood Moving Guides

Looking to move to Hamilton, Massachusetts? Are you wondering if it will be the right move for your family? Keep your worries aside, for we are here to help you out.

In this guide, we talk about all the important aspects associated with living in Hamilton. From the school system to the community, the top attractions to the crime rate, we cover it all here. Let Nextburb help you out with your search and guide you to a town and neighborhood that is exactly to your liking.

Table of Content:

★ Introduction

★ Quick Facts about Hamilton MA

★ History of Hamilton MA

★ Demographics and Population of Hamilton, MA

★ Real Estate in Hamilton MA: What Do the Numbers Say?

★ Getting a Home in Hamilton

★ Professions of the Residents of Hamilton

★ Cost of Living in Hamilton MA

★ K-12 Schools in Hamilton MA

★ Crime Rate in Hamilton MA

★ Commute to and from Hamilton MA

★ Community Life in Hamilton

★ Top Attractions to Visit in Hamilton

★ Places of Worship in Hamilton

★ Places to Eat in Hamilton

★ Comparison to Neighboring Towns

★ FAQs About Hamilton


Hamilton is a town located in the eastern central region of Essex County in eastern Massachusetts. Hamilton is closely linked to the neighboring town of Wenham. The two towns share a newspaper, commuter rail station, recreation department, library, and school system. Boston Magazine named the community of Hamilton-Wenham as one among the "Best Places to Live" in 2010.

Quick Facts About Hamilton, MA

· The town of Hamilton is great for families.

· The public schools in Hamilton are extremely highly rated.

· There are plenty of outdoor activities to be enjoyed in Hamilton, MA.

· The diversity grade in Hamilton, MA is B-.

· Hamilton has a low crime rate, making it safe for all the residents.

History of Hamilton, MA

Masconomet, who was the chief of the Agawam Indians, sold the present-day Essex County to the son of the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who was named John Winthrop the Younger. This took place in June 1638. Southeastern Hamilton has a memorial stone located on Sagamore Hill that marks the spot where Masconomet was buried with his tomahawk and gun somewhere around 1658.

The first settlement of Hamilton took place in 1638. It was originally known as "The Hamlet", which was a section of Ipswich. The very first land grant that took place in Hamilton was that of Matthew Whipple's farm in 1638. On 21st June, 1793, Hamilton was incorporated and named after Alexander Hamilton. The portrait of Alexander Hamilton also became the seal of the town in 1903.

The Mandell family constructed the Community House in order to honor the eight men in Hamilton and Wenham who passed away doing military service during the First World War. Guy Lowell, a famous architect of that time, was given the responsibility of building the Community House. The place now serves as a spot for several activities and classes for all the residents of Hamilton.

Demographics and Population of Hamilton, MA

The population of Hamilton, MA is 8,020. The median age in Hamilton is 40.2 years.

Age Distribution

The age distribution in Hamilton, MA is as follows:

· Below 5 years: 5.8%

· 5 to 17: 20%

· 18 to 24: 7.6%

· 25 to 34: 9.2%

· 35 to 54: 27.7%

· 55 to 64: 15.6%

· Over 65 years: 14.1%

Educational Attainment

4.3% of the residents of Hamilton are currently attending college. 98.2% of them are high school graduates, 69.3% are college graduates, and 6.2% of them have an Associate’s Degree.

Diversity in Hamilton

Majority of Hamilton’s population is White, coming up to 91%. Asians comprise of 6% of the population, 1.5% are Hispanic or Latino, 1.1% are a mix of two or more races, and 0.3% of them are Black or African American.

Real Estate in Hamilton, MA: What Do the Numbers Say?

As far as real estate in Hamilton, MA is concerned, the median list price of homes in the town was $732.5K in September 2021. The median sale price was recorded as $832K and the median listing price per square foot was $357.

Types of Homes

Single-Family HomeTownhomesSmall Apartment BuildingsApartment ComplexesMobile Homes

Home Size Based on Number of Bedrooms

No BedroomOne BedroomTwo BedroomsThree BedroomsFour BedroomsFive or More Bedrooms

Getting a Home in Hamilton

Find a Local Agent

Click here to get in touch with real estate agents in Hamilton.

Rentals and Properties in Hamilton

Looking to rent a place in Hamilton? Click here to check out some rentals in the town. Those wishing to buy a home can discover listings through this link .

Professions of the Residents of Hamilton

The per capita income of Hamilton is $49,347 while the national per capita income is $34,103. The median household income of Hamilton is $127,813 and the national median household income is $62,843. Some of the professions chosen by the residents of Hamilton are as follows:

· Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services: 16.1%

· Education: 14.9%

· Healthcare: 12%

· Construction: 9.7%

· Finance: 8.7%

· Retail: 8%

· Manufacturing: 5.1%

· Other: 4.1%

· Accommodation: 3.8%

· Public Service: 3.3%

· Arts: 3%

· Information Technology: 2.3%

· Administration: 2.3%

Cost of Living in Hamilton

The cost of living in Hamilton, MA is 34% higher than the national average and 2% higher than the average in Massachusetts. The three departments that cost the most in Hamilton, MA are food, transportation, and housing.

K-12 Schools in Hamilton, MA

Looking for the best schools in Hamilton, MA? We’re here to assist you.

Public Schools

Some of the best public schools in Hamilton are:

· Winthrop School

· Hamilton-Wenham Regional High

Private Schools

The private school in South Hamilton, MA that is the most highly ranked is Pingree School.


For preschool and day care centers in Hamilton, here are the following options:

· The Hamilton-Wenham Integrated Preschool

· Children's Development Center

· Magical Beginnings

Crime Rate in Hamilton, MA

The crime rate in Hamilton, MA is much lower than the national average. Having a crime grade of A+, Hamilton falls in the 98th percentile for safety, meaning that only 2% of the places in the US are safer than Hamilton. During a given year, the crime rate in Hamilton, MA is 7.80 per 1,000 residents.

Commute to and from Hamilton

Commuting one-way in Hamilton takes 32.3 minutes, while the national average commute is 26.4 minutes. 69.7% of the individuals drive their own cars, 9.6% work from home, and 7.1% make use of mass transit.

Commuter Trains

The MBTA Commuter Rail station in Hamilton is the Hamilton/Wenham station. It takes about 47 minutes to travel via a commuter train from Hamilton, MA to Boston, MA.

Nearby Airports

The airports located near Hamilton, MA are Boston Logan International Airport and Portsmouth International Airport at Pease.

Community Life in Hamilton

Hamilton Foundation: The Hamilton Foundation aids in helping the residents dealing with divorce, death, loss of job, or a catastrophic illness.

Hamilton Historical Society: The Hamilton Historical Society serves as a meeting place for the lovers of history. It also supports all the literature that is published in relation to the town.

Top Attractions to Visit in Hamilton

Appleton Farms: Appleton Farms is one of the oldest continuously operating farms in the United States. Walk around cow pastures and crop fields and enjoy the guided tours around the various spots.

Willowdale State Forest: Relish a day of fishing and boating at the Willowdale State Forest with your friends and family.

Myopia Polo Club: Do you enjoy playing or watching polo? Look up the Myopia Polo Club.

Places of Worship in Hamilton

Some of the places of worship in Hamilton, MA are:

First Congregational Church
624 Bay Rd South Hamilton, MA 01982
Contact: (978) 468-1940

First United Methodist Church
391 Bay Rd, South Hamilton, MA 01982
Contact: +1978-468-1256

Christ Church of Hamilton & Wenham
149 Asbury St, South Hamilton, MA 01982
Contact: +1978-468-4461

Places to Eat in Hamilton

As per TripAdvisor , some of the best eateries in Hamilton, MA are:

- Weathervane Tavern

- 15 Walnut Local Bistro

- Black Cow Tap & Grille

- Honeycomb

- Hamilton House of Pizza

Comparison to Neighboring Towns

The towns located near Hamilton, MA are Ipswich , Essex , and Wenham .

Click here to compare Hamilton, MA to Ipswich, MA.

Click here to compare Hamilton, MA to Essex, MA.

Click here to compare Hamilton, MA to Wenham, MA.

Compare all the towns together by clicking here .

FAQs About Hamilton

Q: Is Hamilton a good place to live in?

A: Yes, Hamilton is a good place to live in. With good schools, safe neighborhoods, and a lovely community, it is a wonderful town to move to.

Q: Is there a library in Hamilton?

A: Yes, the residents of Hamilton can make use of the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library.

Q: Which is the best high school in Hamilton?

A: The best high school in Hamilton is the Hamilton Regional High School.

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